February 2018 Altar Set Up

Due to working full time and finishing my degree, I took a hiatus from posting to this blog. Now that I have more time to focus on my craft, I decided to make a renewed effort to make posts for this site regularly.

One thing that I’ve always enjoyed doing is altar crafting. It is a meditative act for me and helps me make changes in my reality with minimal effort. These are pictures of my altar back in February. The first image shows part of my messy studio and my grimoire. I always like to keep my grimoire within arms reach and I found that a simple stand meant for cookbooks works well for displaying it. However, my grimoire is now so heavy that it broke the stand.

The second image shows my actual altar. During this time it was dressed to honor my goddess, Frigg. I incorporated her colors, blue and white, as well as, included feathers to represent air (since she’s an air goddess), her preferred crystals (selenite and rose quartz), representation of the divine feminine, and a wand that a friend of mine made for me that was dedicated to her. I also included a book of Robert Frost poems that I read to her as an offering.


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