Advice for July 28th: I am in balance with my emotions

Advice for July 28th: I am in balance with my emotions

Today is a reading from my first Oracle deck! This card is a reminder to balance your heart and mind. Logic and reason is just as necessary as emotions and creativity.

The Amenti Oracle by Jennifer Sodini and Natalee Miller.

Advice for July 16th: Three of Pentacles

Advice for July 16th: Three of Pentacles
“I relish creative endeavour and collaborations.”

The passion and creativity that comes with mastering a skill. Collaboration can bring the best success and don’t fear relying on those around you. It takes a lot of hard work, dedication, and passion to bring something into existence.

The Starman Tarot by David De Angelis.

Advice for July 12th: The Fool (again!)

Advice for July 12th: The Fool (again!)

This is why I collect decks. Each one reveals different aspects of the archetypes represented by the cards. This card is about the leap of faith new beginnings require. Have faith in yourself and the universe. Don’t be afraid to take that leap.

The Shadowscapes Tarot by Stephanie Pui-Mun Law.

Advice for July 11th: The Fool

Advice for July 11th: The Fool

It’s time to act a fool. Embrace the foot loose and fancy free energy of this card. With all these planets in retrograde it’s important to focus on the fun aspects of life. Life can really suck some times, but it’s important to maintain a positive outlook because you attract the energy you put out into the universe.

Considerate Cat Tarot by Madeline Belanger.